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Soul Light Events

From themed soirées to interactive gatherings, our psychic events promise to be something special. Whether you’re drawn to tarot, aura readings, remote viewing, or mediumship, our events offer something for everyone.

Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events or reach out to us to co-create a custom psychic experience tailored to your preferences and interests.

Mediumship Demonstration Evenings

We offer demonstrations in top venues across the UK. Head to our events page to see upcoming demonstrations near you.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your clairvoyance, sharpen your psychic senses, or simply deepen your connection to spirit, our workshops provide the perfect opportunity to expand your understanding and skills.

We are working on offering one or two day workshops at various locations across the UK. If you would like us to run a course near you, please get in touch.

Allow us to help you create an unforgettable experience at your next event.